The Leeds Trichologist Clinic
It can be said that the way we all lead busy life's nowadays, grabbing food on the move, often purchasing easy to prepare ready meals for convenience ( which are not always a balanced and nutritious meal, although that said, some retailers are getting much better.
I am not going to tell anyone that the food they choose is wrong, It is my view as a Trichologist to educate my patients on ways they can improve their diet, as many hair and scalp conditions can be impacted by a daily food intake not sufficient in the nutrients and vitamins required to grow healthy hair.
Now be honest here, do you eat a balanced meal daily? Some carbohydrate some protein and some vitamin and fibre rich vegetables?
A balanced meal needs to be tasty, delicious, and nutritious. Otherwise you wont stick to it so this is where a small change can really make a difference.
Most people don't take time to prepare a delicious breakfast every day managing on a slice of toast or a cup of coffee maybe yoghurt and some berries.
Hair is made of a protein called Keratin, Therefore one small change I suggest is to add some protein to your breakfast, such as poached egg on wholegrain toast and try have breakfast before 10.30am everyday. I find that eating protein earlier in the day helps in maintaining a healthy head of hair.
If you are vegan or just don't like eggs then there are many chocolate protein powders you could use as an alternative.
So hopefully you will now be starting your day the wonderful hair way and having a breakfast.
Call: 07904353108
Iveridge Hall, Wakefield Rd, Oulton, Leeds, LS26 8EU.